Dennis Richie developed the C language in 1969. It is having a collection of statements that performs a specific tasks. C is a middle-Level Language. It supports a features of high level and low level also. 

C language is mostly used to do programming of Embedded systems. Embedded C Programming is the heart of the processor and it is dependent on the hardware architecture such as Microcontroller pin configuration, serial communication ports, timers, interrupt handling, and other features.

In Embedded C Programming one should know about what is the program structure while writing the program, what are the data types (int, char, float, double) which are used to store the data in memory.

There are some keywords in embedded system which reserved for doing specific tasks, they are called as variable, how we can use that variables to store any data. People should know before going to study embedded system that what is function, types of functions, how to declare any function, how to call any function.

The next important concept is about decision-making statements (if, else if, switch), looping statements (for loop, while loop), how to use them in programming according to our logic.

Basic C Language Program Structure: –

  1. Documentations
  2. Pre-processor Statements
  3. Global Declarations
  4. The Main Function
  • Local Declarations
  • Program Statements
  1. User Defined Functions

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