Our mission is to provide world-class IT training that enables individuals and businesses to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital environment. In an age of high demand for IT skills, we are dedicated to providing best-in-class training for novices and professionals.
Launched LivetechIndia as an IT training institute focused on providing high quality.
Became an early pioneer in AI and machine learning, offering specialized courses to meet the growing demand in Data Science.
We adapted quickly to the global pandemic, with our online training programs and expanding our reach to a global audience.
Expanded a corporate training Division with reputed clients like Indian Railways, SP Jain School of Management, Edelweiss and many more.
Partnered with First In Math (FIM) providing interactive, continuity-based mathematics instruction. The first proven product started in the USA and launched in India recently for improvement of Maths and cognitive learning. .
Highlights the milestones & Honours that define our success
We’re an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Training institute based in Andheri.
LivetechINDIA has a center in Andheri and also team of 25 professionals to cater online trainings across globe.