About Us

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

LivetechINDIA Journey

5000+ satisfied students all over the globe

Who are we?

Launched in August 2016, LivetechIndia is a leading IT and Electronics training institute. We bridge the gap between theory and application, and empower students with business-relevant knowledge. Our career-based approach has helped countless students build successful IT careers. As early pioneers in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology training.

Our Vision

Our mission is to provide world-class IT training that enables individuals and businesses to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital environment. In an age of high demand for IT skills, we are dedicated to providing best-in-class training for novices and professionals.

What We Do?

Training for Individuals

 Specialized courses in IT, Electronics, ML and AI with hands-on, project-based learning.

Corporate Training

Customized programs designed to help companies remain competitive and effective.

Global flexibility

With a location in Andheri and a team of 25+ professionals, we offer online training all over the world, including the US and UK.


We assist companies in their CSR activities, by supporting training for the underprivileged.

Our Story

From humble beginnings to industry leaders


Our Humble Start

Launched LivetechIndia as an IT training institute focused on providing high quality.


Innovating with AI & ML

Became an early pioneer in AI and machine learning, offering specialized courses to meet the growing demand in Data Science.


Embracing Change with Online Training

We adapted quickly to the global pandemic, with our online training programs and expanding our reach to a global audience.


Trusted By Giants For Corporate Excellence

Expanded a corporate training Division with reputed clients like Indian Railways, SP Jain School of Management, Edelweiss and many more.


Uniting with First In Math to Empower Learning

Partnered with First In Math (FIM) providing interactive, continuity-based mathematics instruction. The first proven product started in the USA and launched in India recently for improvement of Maths and cognitive learning. .

Awards & Recognition

Highlights the milestones & Honours that define our success

By World Education Summit

By World Education Summit

By World Education Summit

By World Education Summit

Corporate Trainings
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Students Trained
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College Trainings
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Learning Environment

Explore Our Institute


Meet Our Team


Swapnil Darekar


Prashant Kamble

Data Analyst

Ashutosh Singh

Talent Acquisition

Mansi Katekar

Frontend Developer

Noor Shaikh

Python Trainer

Bhumika Gupta

EDA Specialist

Ravina Desai